Psoriasis – Dermatology in Santa Monica
Our acupuncture clinic specializes in treating and resolving chronic skin conditions including Psoriasis. We provide effective and lasting solutions, using proven and methods to bring your skin and immune system back to full health.
While superficial treatments can give only temporary results, our methods produce lasting results because they target the root cause of the condition. Usually, psoriasis is a result of auto-immune factors that start after a long period of food toxins and yeast overgrowth (candida).
Traditional Chinese Medicine creates change from within the body, strengthening the digestion and rebalancing the intestinal flora. When the digestive process and liver are detoxifying optimally, the skin will be healthy and Psoriasis will resolve naturally. Our well-trained, highly-skilled practitioners are the key to success at Meridian Health Clinic.
Our Treatment Plan:
Individualized treatments plan focus on balancing your body system from inside and controlling the symptoms from outside to improve you skin naturally, without unwanted side-effects.

- Healing from inside: Chinese Herbal Medicine is prescribed to clear the toxins inside your body and get rid of the symptoms manifesting on the skin. Medicine is generally given in pill or powder form so that it is convenient to take yet very effective. Herbal Medicine addresses the root of the problem.
- Healing from inside – Part 2: Acupuncture is given 1-2 times each week to further balance the body and return your skin to its natural beauty faster. This treatment also addresses the root of the problem.
- Control from outside: The consultation will include a discussion about products which can be used externally to help the healing process. This treatment addresses the symptom of the problem.
- Diet restriction: To avoid further aggravating your skin condition, you may need to eliminate certain foods which could generate toxins inside your body. Some of these foods include alcohol, coffee, spicy food, fried foods, dairy products, nuts, and seafood (shellfish).
- Stress management: Lastly, we will work with you to develop a lifestyle plan to reduce your stress level and balance you life. Generally the plan includes moderate exercise, breathing practices and advice on how to get better sleep and rest.
In most cases, you will see results in 2 weeks. For moderate to severe cases, the treatment may take longer to have significant improvement.
Get started with a consultation today: