Anxiety Treatment with Acupuncture

anxiety and other words under a magnifying glassAcupuncture treatment is especially effective for balancing chronic or acute anxiety disorders. When used alone or in combination with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture can alleviates both the mental emotional and physical symptoms of anxiety.  Acupuncture does not only calm the mind and relax the body temporarily but brings lasting homeostatic balance to various body systems and breaks the cycle of stress on the nervous system.

Stress and anxiety are major reasons for a variety of health problems. The mental strain and anxiety of an ever moving and fast-paced environment can lead to insomnia, shoulder tension, anxiety disorders, fatigue, palpitations, weight gain, digestive disruption and many other problems. Acupuncture is especially helpful at treating all of these problems as it has a profound effect of regulating the way the body reacts to stress and stressful circumstances.

How Acupuncture Can Help?

Acupuncture causes relaxation almost immediately. In fact, one of the most common effects of acupuncture is a feeling of profound calm after a treatment. When acupuncture is given for anxiety, not only is there an immediate relaxation, but there is a lasting calm and a balancing of the nervous system.   In this regard, acupuncture does not act as another means to mask symptoms. Unlike medications, each and every acupuncture treatment brings the nervous system closer to a balanced state.  Once balance is achieved, acupuncture is no longer needed.
The Common presentations of Anxiety:

Panic Attacks – re-occurring spells of intense fear that often appear without warning. Common symptoms include heart palpitations, chest pain or heaviness, shortness of breath, dizziness and confusion, abdominal symptoms, and fear or depression. From a TCM view this pattern may be diagnosed as Heart & Blood Heat. The Mind according to Chinese Medicine resides in the Heart, which of governs the Blood. If there is too much heat in the Heart, the blood becomes unsettled and the mind agitated – in this case it may result in anxiety.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – The symptoms are often trauma flashbacks, emotional withdrawal and numbness, nightmares, depression and overwhelming feelings of anger and irritation. With PTSD, these symptoms generally occur as a direct response to being involved in a traumatic event such as criminal assault, witnessing a violent car crash, war or human caused or natural disasters. In some cases the event do not happen to the individual, but are experienced through association – e.g. a close family member suffers trauma.

If you are suffering from persistent anxiety, Get started with a consultation today:

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