Conditions Treated

Doctor holding patient's hand

We specialize in the treatment of orthopedic conditions with Dry Needling and Trigger Point Acupuncture. Dry Needling can be helpful for a variety of conditions related to muscle and/or nerve pain. Below is a partial list of conditions of conditions which can be effectively treated with Dry Needling:

Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel, Elbow Pain, Hamstring Pain, Heel Pain, Headaches, Jaw Tension, Knee Pain, Muscle Strain, Neck Pain, Neuropathy, Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain, Tendonitis, TMJ, and many more…

Acupuncture has been used for over 3,000 years to keep people physically and mentally healthy. Because of its effectiveness, the techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have spread all over the globe and are now being used to treat many of the health issues that we face in the modern age. Below is a partial list of conditions of conditions which can be treated with Acupuncture:

Acne, Adrenal Fatigue, Allergies, Anxiety, Arthritis, Candidiasis, Chronic Fatigue, Common Cold, Crohn’s Disease, Depression, Digestive Weakness, Dizziness, Fertility, Fibromyalgia, Hair Loss, Heartburn (GERD), High Cholesterol, Hypothyroidism, Hypertension, IBS, Infertility, Insomnia, Interstitial Cystitis, Menopause, Menstrual Irregularities, Nausea, Palpitations, PCOS, PMS, PsoriasisSkin Problems, SIBO, Sinusitis, Stress Relief, Stroke, Thyroid Disorders, Tinnitus, Ulcerative Colitis (UC), Ulcers, UTI and more…

Stones balanced on top of each otherIf you have a health concern, our clinic may have the solution.  Please contact us with any questions so we can help you.  And if our clinic is not the best choice for you at this time we will be happy to give you a referral to someone better suited for your needs.

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Conditions Treated


Yes! We help you make the most out of your insurance plan! For more information check out our page on insurance coverage. If you have coverage for acupuncture, we provide you with a superbill so you can get the maximum possible reimbursement.