Good Skin, Bad Skin, Part 2

Want bad skin?  I didn’t think so… What you leave off your plate is sometimes just as important as the food you’re putting on it.   Below are 3 food classes that will slowly diminish the glow of your skin:

  1. Sugar – Sweets and refined carbs raise glucose levels, which increases advanced glycation end products, which in turn interferes with the repair of collagen and elastin, a protein that allows skin to retain its shape.
  2. Saturated Fat – Found in marbled meats and full-fat dairy products, saturated fats may make you look older. Experts say that eating a lot of saturated fat can induce skin-aging inflammation.
  3. Alcohol – With the exception of resveratrol-delivering red wine, alcohol can take a toll on your skin. It dries out skin and when metabolized in the liver, it creates skin’s enemy: free radicals.

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