Food & Cooking
Pain Relief – Food as Medicine
With so many Americans in chronic pain, it only makes sense to consider foods that are helpful in reducing inflammation and pain. Below is a list wholesome pain-relieving foods that…
Treating Joint Pain with Anti-inflammatory Foods
Many factors can lead to chronic joint pain. More often than not, the root cause is systemic inflammation, not old age. The pain that you experience is your body’s way…
Good Skin, Bad Skin, Part 2
Want bad skin? I didn’t think so… What you leave off your plate is sometimes just as important as the food you’re putting on it. Below are 3 food…
Good Skin, Bad Skin, Part 1
Want Good Skin? Then you need to nourish your skin from the inside by eating foods that slow the aging process. A combination of a healthy diet and specific foods…
Chia! 4 Reasons to Try Chia
Chia seeds are packed with nutrients, including calcium, fiber, vitamin C and iron. They’re the best known plant source of omega-3s (alpha linolenic acid). Unlike other types of seeds, they…
Foods that Put a Drag on Digestion
Having great energy and a balanced immune system is generally traced back to good digestion. With this in mind, here are a couple of foods that you may want to…
How to Eat Like the Buddha
Many ancient traditions, such as Buddhism and Chinese Medicine, recommend the boring advice of eating until you are about 80% or 2/3rds full. The basic idea is that you should…
The Whole Egg
For too long, those seeking a reduced-cholesterol diet have been pitching the egg yolk, but are we tossing aside one of nature’s most nutritious foods? Listed below are a few…
Eat Fruit!
There are big benefits to eating fruit. As we’ve all heard… an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what are the real benefits? Here’s a short list… and…
Eat Fresh This Spring and Summer
Spring and summer welcome a host of great fruits and veggies we don’t normally see during the winter months. Hit up a farmers market, veggie co-op or start growing them…
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