Strategies for Better Health
I sometimes encounter patients with troublesome health conditions that want to try changing “one thing” and see if it works. In my practice, this “one thing” is usually adding a…
Scientific Research on Acupuncture
The scientific evidence for acupuncture is growing at an incredible rate. As stated by the organization Evidence Based Acupuncture (EBA): “Research into acupuncture as a medical treatment has grown exponentially in…
Chinese Medicine is Physical Medicine (Not Energy Medicine)
I must admit, when I first learned about this magical, invisible “Qi” I was intrigued and excited. And then I was told that this Qi travels throughout the human body…
Ear Acupuncture for Weight Loss, Insomnia & Addiction Recovery
Ear acupuncture has a large body of scientific evidence backing its effectiveness [1][2]. This clinically proven treatment approach is an efficient method for treating a wide number of conditions including…
Dry Needling in California
Dry Needling is an therapeutic technique that was developed by Dr Janet Travell and recently popularized by Acupuncturists and Physical Therapists in Australia, Canada and the US. In California, only…
Trigger Point Dry-Needling for Body Pain
In many cases, body pain is due to shortened muscles. When muscles are overused or overstressed they can develop areas of tension called trigger points. A trigger point may be…
How Acupuncture Works – The Science Explained
The scientific basis of Acupuncture is now well understood. Let’s move on from esoteric discussions of “qi” and “meridians” as they relates to acupuncture. A short summary of the science is…
Yes! We help you make the most out of your insurance plan! For more information check out our page on insurance coverage. If you have coverage for acupuncture, we provide you with a superbill so you can get the maximum possible reimbursement.